
Plant bagging Learn more about Plant bagging

  • Why should banana fruit be bagged? What's the advantage? How to cover the bag? What are the technologies?

    Why should banana fruit be bagged? What's the advantage? How to cover the bag? What are the technologies?

    Banana belongs to the genus plantain of the banana family, which also refers to its fruit, which is widely cultivated in the tropics. The plant dies after fruiting, and each plant can live for many years. Then why is the banana fruit bagged? What's the advantage? How to cover the bag? What are the technologies? Why should banana fruit

    2020-11-09 Bananas fruits why bagging what are the benefits how
  • How to pack a bag in winter

    How to pack a bag in winter

    Bagging potted plants is a common management method in the process of conservation. The purpose of bagging is mainly to keep warm and moist. Generally, it is necessary to take a management measure in order to avoid frostbite or freezing of plants under low temperature. This is mainly applied in cold tolerance is too poor

  • How to bag the latest sparrow plum bonsai in winter

    How to bag the latest sparrow plum bonsai in winter

    Bagging potted plants is a common management means in the process of maintenance. the purpose of bagging is mainly for heat preservation and moisturization. generally, it is very necessary to carry out a management and protection measure in order to avoid frostbite or frostbite when the temperature is low. This is mainly

    2020-11-10 The latest Finch plum bonsai in winter how bagging for potted plants
  • How to plant Auricularia auricula with leaf bags?

    How to plant Auricularia auricula with leaf bags?

    How to plant Auricularia auricula with leaf bags? Please advise that with the rapid development of bag-planted Auricularia auricula, the traditional use of sawdust as culture material has been far from meeting the needs of various places. The research group of Food and Medicinal Fungi Promotion Center of Linkou County Science and Technology Association of Heilongjiang Province has succeeded in using leaves instead of sawdust to cultivate Auricularia auricula.

  • A course on the latest bagging techniques of honey pomelo

    A course on the latest bagging techniques of honey pomelo

    Honey pomelo is popular with consumers because of its refreshing taste and high nutritional value, but the plant income is seriously affected by the harm of diseases and insect pests in the planting process. In order to control the harm of diseases and insect pests and reduce pesticide residues, farmers began to bag honey pomelo.

    2020-11-10 The latest honey pomelo bagging techniques methods tutorials
  • Why should pomegranate be bagged? When is it bagged? (bagging technology with pomegranate)

    Why should pomegranate be bagged? When is it bagged? (bagging technology with pomegranate)

    Autumn is high and crisp, and it is a good time to eat pomegranate. In the process of planting pomegranate, we see that pomegranate is covered with bags, so why should pomegranate be bagged? When is it bagged? What are the bagging techniques of pomegranate? First, the advantages of pomegranate bagging

    2020-11-09 Pomegranate why bagging when attached technology
  • Domestication of wild orchids with edible mushroom cultivation bags

    Domestication of wild orchids with edible mushroom cultivation bags

    Domestication of wild orchids with edible mushroom cultivation bags

  • How to plant black fungus?

    How to plant black fungus?

    How to plant black fungus? Please introduce the cultivation of Auricularia auricula can refer to the following planting methods: first, seasonal arrangement Auricularia auricula is a kind of wood-rot fungus, which belongs to medium-high temperature mushroom, its mycelial growth temperature range is 6: 35 ℃, the best temperature range is 22: 28 ℃.

  • Bagging Technology of Honey Pomelo

    Bagging Technology of Honey Pomelo

    Bagging Technology of Honey Pomelo

  • Key points of Apple bag removal time and Management after bag removal

    Key points of Apple bag removal time and Management after bag removal

    Key points of Apple bag removal time and Management after bag removal

  • How to afforest and use rocky slopes?

    How to afforest and use rocky slopes?

    How to afforest and use rocky slopes? The main results are as follows: (1) according to the structural characteristics of the slope, the slope greening method carries out classified greening, including thick base material spray sowing greening, platform covering soil planting greening, vine climbing net assistant greening and masonry retaining wall.

  • The latest apple bag picking time and key points of management after bag removal

    The latest apple bag picking time and key points of management after bag removal

    Apple bagging technology is very mature in our country, and it is used in many areas, but some fruit growers are not very proficient in apple bagging technology, such as apple bagging time and post-harvest management. So let's learn it together today.

    2020-11-10 Latest Apple bag picking time and after Management Essentials
  • This niche package has been on fire for four years. What charm does it have?

    This niche package has been on fire for four years. What charm does it have?

    Simon Miller was mentioned when I wrote the bucket bag before. His Bonsai bag is really hot. I thought it would stop for a while after the fire passed the year before last, but I didn't expect to see super beautiful street photos often...

  • Several problems that should be paid attention to in planting Golden Pear

    Several problems that should be paid attention to in planting Golden Pear

    The main results are as follows: 1. garden site selection: Golden pear has poor resistance to drought and barren, so the garden site should choose the place where the soil layer is thick, and the barren soil is not suitable for planting. 2. Plant-row spacing: young golden pear trees are easy to blossom, bear fruit early, grow slowly, and can be planted densely. The reasonable plant-row spacing for its cultivation is 2mx2.5--3m. Determining its reasonable plant-row spacing can not only use the land reasonably and economically, but also increase the unit area and yield of golden pear and obtain higher economic benefits. 3. Pollination tree

  • How to give Dangshan pear fruit thinning and bagging?

    How to give Dangshan pear fruit thinning and bagging?

    How to give Dangshan pear fruit thinning and bagging? Please guide Dangshan pear fruit thinning and bagging can refer to the following methods: first, fruit thinning technology: crisp pear fruit thinning from a week after falling flowers, completed within a month, late thinning is better than early thinning, the amount of fruit should not affect the flower bud formation in the second year, ensure the current year's yield, quality and not weaken.

  • What is the reason why apples are not colored after picking bags?

    What is the reason why apples are not colored after picking bags?

    What is the reason why apples are not colored after picking bags?

  • Seedling raising technique of short-spike cuttage of tea plant in nutrient bag

    Seedling raising technique of short-spike cuttage of tea plant in nutrient bag

    The technology of short spike cuttage of tea plant in nutrient bag is a process of directly cutting short spike in nutrition bag and cultivating plants. This method of asexual reproduction can effectively maintain the characteristics of the female parent tea tree, and the characters of the offspring are the same, which is conducive to the cultivation of strong seedlings, transplanting without harming the root system, and effectively improving the survival rate. However, the technical requirements of raising seedlings are high, and the working procedure is relatively complex, which can easily lead to failure if they are not mastered well. Seedlings should pay attention to the following technical points: first, building a shade shed has the function of sun protection, wind protection and frost prevention. It is an important link in the success or failure of raising seedlings in nutrition bags. Shade

  • Secret | put a plastic bag on a flower in 2 days and it will grow stronger and stronger.

    Secret | put a plastic bag on a flower in 2 days and it will grow stronger and stronger.

    When I went back to my hometown at the weekend, I saw that my grandfather had saved a pile of plastic bags. Only after asking did I know that they were used for growing flowers. I usually looked at them inconspicuously, but I didn't expect that they would be so useful. Let's study with Huahua. Put on a plastic bag, the leaves are green.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus bag cultivation method of Pleurotus ostreatus

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus bag cultivation method of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Season: planting in the spring and autumn of 20-25 ℃, sowing in April every year, or autumn sowing in August. Inoculation: first make the culture medium, fill the polypropylene bag, squeeze properly after filling, cool after sterilization and start inoculation. Bacteria: none

    2020-11-08 Poplar mushroom high yield cultivation techniques mushroom bag type cultivation method
  • How to plant edible fungi

    How to plant edible fungi

    There are many kinds of edible mushroom. The planting method of Flammulina velutipes is introduced here. To grow Flammulina velutipes, you first need to prepare a mushroom room, which should be warm, ventilated and clean. Then prepare the raw materials, and after the raw materials are ready, they should be bagged, sterilized, inoculated and moved back.

    2020-11-09 How to plant edible fungus variety many here